To be a person is to have a story to tell

Isak Dinesen


I believe in the power of words, images and stories to connect people and make change.


I help nonprofits join communications and fundraising together, so their good works last.


Focusing on travel, philanthropy and active lifestyles, I write to understand the world.

Let's work together.  


"What distinguishes David is his combination of fundraising, philanthropy and communications expertise and real-world experience. He gets it. David’s strategies and writing contributed to the success of LOVEfundraising’s ability to serve clients, and he did it all with an insightful and positive approach, balancing the many factors at play as a consultant. Collaborating with David for six years has been a wise, rewarding choice for me and my clients."
-David Love, CFRE, Principal, LOVEfundraising